The Latest Update on Brexit

I apologise for my recent lack of posts but there have been many factors in my decision not to post anything on my blog over the last four weeks.

Back when Theresa May's Brexit deal was rejected emphatically by Parliament back in mid January, I thought to myself, well at least Mrs May now has a mandate to either remove the backstop or end negotiations. In my mind it was clear, the backstop was an issue of ginormous magnitude for the Commons and one that EU leaders would fail to avoid. Unless the issue could be resolved, there would be no deal. So I waited. I waited for progress to be made to resolve the issue of the backstop. I waited for a compromise, a sensible and reasonable compromise which could see the issue become less volatile or even solved. However, as I waited, I fully noticed the incompetence of both Mrs May and Mr Corbyn who failed to even discuss or resolve the issue. In fact, both were more concerned about keeping their respective parties in tact - something the latter has failed to do as of today.

As nothing really happened, Mrs May went to the Commons to reaffirm her government's strategy with regards to Brexit but seemingly failed to recognise which strategy the government was following. It's crazy. I wanted to post something but nothing really seemed worthy of posting Every vote Mrs May put the Commons would be lost, no ideas as to how to overcome the issue of the backstop were even suggested and frankly, it seemed pointless to discuss the inevitable which had become so painstakingly obvious.

The sad thing for me is that if we are to, in fact, leave on March the 29th as the Commons is insistent that we do, the only option that does indeed provide clarity for business, for people and for the country is if we leave on WTA rules and leave with no deal. It astounds me that as a nation, our government is so incompetent at negotiating with the EU and the Commons that we have to accept some rules designed by our nation's most disliked individuals - bureaucrats - that are both generic and wholly inefficient for our economy. 

So I apologise, I understand most readers would be gutted by my lack of posts over the past four weeks but I hope you understand how this last month has been wasted keeping the two major parties together and not achieving anything whatsoever in terms of Brexit. My level of dismay is extreme.
